Rubrics: Imagination, Curiosity, and Self-Awareness?

ThinqStudio Fellow Mira Woodson is exploring rubrics as tools to foster imagination, curiosity, and self-awareness. She comes at this project from the challenges of design education and will share questions and insights that are useful in all disciplines.

Typical uses of rubrics help us aim for transparency in grading. But can a holistic rubric do more? What is a holistic rubric? Can using one support a student’s growth? And can it help us grow as teachers?

Explore the options in a two-part Thinq workshop. First, Thinqers Soumia Bardhan, Louise Bordelon, and Lisa Forbes will join Mira and participants in an open conversation. Then Mira will facilitate a workshop to create “new” rubrics for different project types and disciplines. A re-Thinqing of rubrics. She encourages you to bring a rubric of your own or a course that you might like to re-design in light of these new possibilities.

Join us for lunch and great conversation & workshop

3rd floor of the Learning Commons

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 11:30 – 2:30 Register here Contact: